Canon All-In-One Printer In Ubuntu

These instructions are for the Canon PIXMA MP160, but these instructions can be adapted for other all-in-one printers in the Canon PIXMA series of all-in-one printers.
Click Applications==>Accessories==>Terminal and enter the following command :

sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev gettext libnss-dev libnspr-dev libgtkspell

and than, ENTER.
After that download canon driver here

Download these files to your home directory.

You must download Alien, so you can convert the .RPM files into .DEB files. Install alien using the following command

sudo aptitude install alien

To convert the .RPM files into .DEB files

sudo alien -d *.rpm

To install the printer drivers

sudo dpkg -i cnij*.deb

To install the scanner drivers

sudo dpkg -i scan*.deb

sudo aptitude install libpng3

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

cd /usr/share/cups/model/

sudo lpadmin -p MP160 -P canonmp160.ppd -v cnij_usb:/dev/usblp0 -E

sudo apt-get install libxml1

At now the printer completely installed. But we need to download and install the scanner back-end.Get the scanner back-end from here.

Uncompress the downloaded file using the following command
tar -xvjf mp150-0.13.1.tar.bz2

cd mp150-0.13.1


sudo make install

(if asked to overwrite any files, choose Yes)

After at all, do a complete restart (not a simple log-out), and back to login.
Open XSane by clicking Applications -> Graphics -> XSane Image Scanner to test your scanner.

Source : Here

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