Active detect and close network linux redhat ports

Most important tasks is to detect and close network ports that are needed.

To get a list of listening network ports (TCP and UDP sockets), you can run the following command:

# netstat -tulp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *:auth                      *:*                         LISTEN      2328/xinetd
tcp        0      0 localhost.localdomain:smtp  *:*                         LISTEN      2360/sendmail: acce
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                       *:*                         LISTEN      2317/sshd
From the output you can see that xinetd, sendmail, and sshd are listening.

On all newer Red Hat Linux distributions sendmail is configured to listen for local connections only. Sendmail should not listen for incoming network connections unless the server is a mail or relay server. Running a port scan from another server will confirm that (make sure that you have permissions to probe a machine):
# nmap -sTU 

Starting nmap 3.70 ( ) at 2004-12-10 22:51 CST
Interesting ports on jupitor (
(The 3131 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
22/tcp  open          ssh
113/tcp open          auth

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 221.669 seconds
Note that the above nmap command can take a while. If you remove the UDP port scan (without the option "-U"), then nmap will finish the port scan immediately. If you run it on the local machine it will also complete very fast. Also note that nmap might not show all listening network sockets if a firewall is being used to block ports.
From the output above you can see that the xinetd daemon is listening on port auth (port 113) for IDENT (for more information on this service, see below). You can also see that sendmail is not listening for remote incoming network connections, see also Securing Sendmail.

Another method to list all of the TCP and UDP sockets to which programs are listening is lsof:
# lsof -i -n | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN|UDP'
sshd      2317 root    3u  IPv6   6579       TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
xinetd    2328 root    5u  IPv4   6698       TCP *:auth (LISTEN)
sendmail  2360 root    3u  IPv4   6729       TCP (LISTEN)

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