Meego Linux Moblin Project, by Intel, Maemo and Nokia

Meego is open source Linux Moblin project, which combines a project by Intel and Maemo, Nokia's open source activities LEDs. Meego integrates the experience and skills, development of the two most important ecosystems, an expert in communications and information technology. Meego project said that these two pillars of the technical platform for next generation mobile platforms and configure the device.

Meego is currently focused on platforms such as netbooks, table, entry level portable communication devices, automotive infotainment devices with TV, telephone and related media. All these platforms have common needs of users of communications, Internet services and applications in a portable bed. Meego The project will continue to expand platform support and new features include form factors and the development of a new market.

Core Software Platform & Netbook User Experience Project Release
May 26, 2010

This release requires accepting the Google Chrome end user license agreement (EULA).
May 26, 2010
 Meego has include :
* Performance optimization and extensive mathematical functions can spelling centric application development and services are linked 
* Better support Web standards without compromising the web experience
 * Easy, flexible and powerful user interface development environment for use QtOrganization 
* Linux Foundation open source project managed by 
* Land Art of Linux, an important new site for the battery power and small size of mobile device platforms and steps for compatibility with software on Linux

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