MS Access Long Date to Word Short Date

Microsoft office word have trouble at this day, when i trying to make mail merge from word with access database and i've got a small problem with date. How it's can be? The Problem is from microsoft office word 2007 that can't read long date from access, word translate long date to short date.

How i can resolve this problem? first time, i had ask my friend, why this problem can do? my friend just tell, hah.. it's a small bug from office, try to search at microsoft forum. After that i trying to search at Internet with my best friend (google is my best friend to learn something that i don't know because google is more smart from me, hehehe) with google i found a problem resolve.

MS Access Long Date to Word Short Date problem resolve :

Open your word document that have short date problem :
1. select the mergefield;
2. press Shift-F9 to expose the field coding. It should look something like {MERGEFIELD YourDate} where 'YourDate' is your mergefield's name;
3. After the mergefield's name you must add \@ "d MMMM yyyy" to the field, as in {MERGEFIELD MyDate \@ "d MMMM yyyy"}.
4. With this switch your date will come out like '2 August 2008'. Other possible date formatting switches include :
a. \@ "dddd, d MMMM yyyy"
b. \@ "ddd, d MMMM yyyy"
c. \@ "d MMM yyyy"
d. \@ "dd/MMM/yyyy"
. \@ "d-MM-yy";

Note: you can swap the d, M, y expressions around, but you must use uppercase 'M's for months - lowercase 'm's are for minutes.

5. position the cursor anywhere in this field and press F9 to update it;
6. run your mailmerge.

Have a fun with your long date mailmerge in the word without a problem.

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